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Re: Comments on STT Spec Implementation Details

> The belief that companies can make more money by following proprietary
> solutions and imposing them on the world as standards is falling
> away.

I wish I had as much confidence in this as Perry does.  I offer as a current
counter-example the "S/MIME" spec (http://www.rsa.com/rsa/S-MIME/), which is a
proprietary spec developed concurrently and in competition with the
MOSS/Security-Multiparts specs, which are now Proposed Internet Standards.  (See
recent discussions on the pem-dev@tis.com mailing list for technical
comparisons.)  Many companies, including some who have been involved in and
benefited from the IETF process (and including Microsoft, too), have announced
support for S/MIME, presumably meaning they won't be supporting MOSS.  To the
extent that WWW security takes advantage of MIME security, the resolution of
this proprietary-vs-open issue may have impact on the work of this Working Group
as well.

 - RL "Bob" Morgan
   Stanford University
